Dangerous Goods Cargo

Dangerous Goods (DG) or dangerous goods are elements of substances and or dangerous goods that are very sensitive to air temperature, pressure and vibration and can interfere with human and animal health, can disrupt and endanger flight safety when transported by airplane air and can damage the transport equipment. Dangerous Goods (DG) can be transported by airplane and other transportation vehicles, by fulfilling the requirements, rules and procedures for handling DG in accordance with the type/class/classification of DG goods.

SSS accepts shipments of dangerous goods by following and complying with applicable regulations, including IATA standards on Dangerous Goods Regulations, AVSEC National Regulations and policies set by each airline operator.

Dangerous Goods Hazard Classes

There are 9 Classification classes and divisions based on IATA (International Air Transport Association) Dangerous Goods or hazardous materials.

Delivery Mechanism

Mechanism or procedure for sending Dangerous Goods by air, following the following steps:

  1. Contact the SSS call center to make an order or reservation for delivery schedules, departure schedules,
    and delivery destinations, including the availability of space on the aircraft, as well as the possibility of
    connecting flights.
  2. Fulfills all document requirements stipulated according to the type and class of Dangerous Goods sent.
  3. Meets packaging and labeling requirements according to IATA Dangerous Regulation guidelines.


We understand your business and have the flexibility to respond to dynamic and challenging operational requirements.

Any service you need we are ready to assist you.

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